The myth of white privilege says that whites are given a head start in life by simply being born white. The truth is white privilege isn’t real, and black women engaging in high risk sexual behavior and black males not fulfilling their parental responsibilities of getting married and supporting a family they helped create are the causes of many of these problems.
Black Adults Are Not Creating Families
If we take a look at the number of out of wedlock childbirths for all races we can see a dramtic increase that started in the 1960’s. (Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty / archive)

Why Are Black Families More Likely to Live in Poverty
From a financial perspective raising children under the best of circumstances is a challenge, however if you reduce a household to living off a single income it becomes exponentially more difficult. Single parent families are far more likely to be living in a poverty situation for every race, however the difference is greatest for black families.(Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty / archive)

Does Income Level Affect Graduation Rates?
Single income families living in a low income situation are less like to have children who complete high school. If we look at graduation rate for all income levels across the United States we can see 83.2% of the students who start high school finish high school. (High School Graduation Rates by State / archive)

Less educated people are more likely to have children in a single parent situation, and repeat this entire cycle of events. (Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty / archive)
This repeating situation isn’t caused by white privilege, systemic racism, or any institutional bias, it’s caused black females engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors, and black males not getting married and supporting the family they helped create.
Black vs White The Breakdown in Family Values Conclusion
- It’s an uncomfortable truth, but black adults aren’t creating the family units they need to raise successful children.
- There is a 72.3% chance of a black woman giving birth in a non-married status.
- There is a 35% chance of a black single parent household living in a low-income situation.
- Children growing up in a low-income situation are more likely to engage in criminal behavior.
- Low-income students are less likely to graduate high school limiting their earning potential throughout their life.
- Black men without a high school degree have a 70% chance of being arrested for committing a crime by the time they are 30 years old
- To end this cycle black women need to stop engaging in high-risk sexual activities or use more effective birth control on a regular basis.
- To end this cycle black males need to stop engaging in high-risk sexual activities or use more effective birth control on a regular basis.
- To end this cycle black males need to take responsibility for the child they helped create, create a stable family unit that gives the child a chance to succeed.
- White privilege, systemic racism, or institutional biases aren’t creating this problem, the two people creating a baby are.
- White privilege isn’t real and isn’t responsible for the breakdown in black family values, black men and women are.
Sources: Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty / archive
Brookings Institute: Economic Facts about Crime and Incarceration in the United States / archive High School Graduation Rates by State / archive
Pew Research: Hispanic and Black High School Dropout Rates Lowest on Record / archive