The myth of white privilege says the gap between black and white wages is caused by systemic racial hiring practices and compensation that penalizes people for simply being born black. However white privilege isn’t real, and we’re going to prove that there is no systemic racism influencing wages, just less educated, less skilled workers, and workers who are avoiding the higher paying job opportunities.
As we covered in our Black vs White Education Gap article it’s an unpleasant truth that blacks score lower on every standardized education test. This isn’t something that’s caused by systemic racism in America, as you can see these lower test scores also show up in London which never experienced slavery, Jim Crowe laws, or any of the other imaginary scapegoat’s liberals want you to believe are responsible for blacks lower scores. It’s an unpleasant truth, but intelligence is influenced by race.London still has England’s best schools – but the gap is closing / archive
What Is Responsible for the Black vs White Wage Gap?
There are many factors that play a role, but we’re going to take an in-depth look at the two largest factors, education attainment, and occupation selection. Employers are willing to pay more to workers who are more skilled or who have more education. If we look at the highest level of education attained we can see a dramatic difference in the number of associates, bachelors, and advanced degrees obtained between blacks and whites. (source: US News: U.S. Education: Still Separate and Unequal / archive)

The difference between blacks vs whites in obtaining bachelors degrees and advanced degrees is dramatic. In the real world, this educational deficiency translates into blacks not being qualified enough to obtain the higher skilled jobs with higher wages.
Why does the Black vs White Wage Gap Persist?
The differences in education levels attained by blacks vs whites persists throughout a person’s life. We can see adult blacks don’t retain as much of their education as adult whites do. (source: US News: U.S. Education: Still Separate and Unequal / archive)

Workers who aren’t as knowledgeable or aren’t as skilled are going to be offered a lower salary. This disparity in educational achievement is visible early in school and never goes away. (source: US News: U.S. Education: Still Separate and Unequal / archive)

Black vs White College Graduation Rates
Even when black students make it into college, they aren’t obtaining their degrees as quickly or at all. For whites enrolling in a four-year program, 40% graduate in four years. For blacks enrolling in a four-year program only 20% graduate in four years. If we extend the time period out to six years, 60% of whites have graduated, but only 40% of blacks will graduate. (source: US News: U.S. Education: Still Separate and Unequal / archive)

Black vs White Wage Gaps Created By Employment Type
If you want a high wage job, but don’t have the education or specialized skills that are necessary, your next best option is to go after a more dangerous job with a higher risk of death. If we look at the OSHA statistics for workplace fatalities we can see that 93% of them are male. Remember that next time someone brings up the wage gap between men and women. (Workplace Falaity Statistics / archive)

Black vs White Workplace Fatalities
In 2015 there were 4,836 total workplace fatalities, of those 67% or 3,241 were white non Hispanic men. Only 10% or 495 were black men. The black men aren’t trying to get the more dangerous jobs with higher compensation. (Workplace Falaity Statistics / archive)

If white privilege were real white men wouldn’t make up the bulk of workplace fatalities, privilege keeps you out of dangerous situations, it doesn’t put you in them.
Black Men Aren’t Actively Trying to Get Dangerous Occupations With Higher Pay
How do we know black men aren’t trying to get these jobs? We have to look at the fatality statistics for Hispanic men, who have an education that is very similar to that of black men. If we look at the 18% or 903 Hispanic male workplace fatalities we can see that the majority are foreign-born migrant construction workers, mostly Mexican, who are usually working “off the books” and don’t get counted into the labor and wage statistics. (Workplace Falaity Statistics / archive)

Black Vs White Page Gap Conclusion
- It’s an uncomfortable truth, but all races don’t have the same intelligence abilities.
- This intelligence inequality is demonstrated throughout a person’s entire life, from school all the way into adulthood.
- The lack of black students who obtain advanced degrees puts many high paying jobs out of reach.
- Black adults are not seeking out alternative high paying job opportunities that exist in dangerous industries with a higher chance of workplace fatalities.
- White privilege isn’t real and isn’t responsible for the black vs white wage gap.
City Metric: London still has England’s best schools – but the gap is closing / archive
US News: U.S. Education: Still Separate and Unequal / archive
OSHA: Workplace Falaity Statistics / archive
OSHA: Workplace Falaity Statistics / archive