Do Blacks Commit More Murders Than Whites
Do African Americans commit more murders than White Americans? The answer is yes ...

Experience The Benefits of Diversity Archive 1
This page is an archive of older videos, for new videos see Experience The Benefits of Diversity A reporter covering ...

Is Google Racist?
Is Google Racist? Yes, Google is racist, but only against white people. Don't believe us, try it for yourself; search ...

Racial Profiling and White Privilege
Does racial profiling create a higher crime rate for African Americans? No racial profiling does not create a higher crime ...

Google Executives Applauding Anti White Racist Behavior
Breitbart published a leaked video from an internal Google meeting right after Hillary Clinton lost the election. In the final ...

Experience The Benefits of Diversity
To see older videos, visit Experience The Benefits of Diversity Archive 1 An eyeglass store in Alexandria Virginia experiencing the ...

Black vs. White Crime Statistics
The myth of white privilege says blacks are arrested and incarcerated at a higher rate due to systemic racism that ...

White Privilege, If I Should Need to Move…
If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area which ...

Black vs White Education Gap
The myth of white privilege says that slavery and systemic racial biases are responsible for the gap in black vs ...

Black vs White Pay Gap
The myth of white privilege says the gap between black and white wages is caused by systemic racial hiring practices ...

Black vs White The Breakdown in Family Values
The myth of white privilege says that whites are given a head start in life by simply being born white ...

I Never Cared What Color You Were, Until You Started Blaming My Race for Your Problems
I was never an evil monster until you decided that I was... I never cared if you were 'gay' until ...